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That in itself is ominous enough



That in itself is ominous enough

Chidambaram and Ghulam Nabi Azad were in attack mode, while there were others like Bhubaneswar Kalita, who quit the party in protest.My last visit to Srinagar in April 2017 was momentous in many ways. Going forward, the Shah-Modi duo will have to do much more for Jammu and Kashmir than send Ajit Doval with Id-ul-Zuha greetings. Expectedly, Rahul-Sonia Gandhi loyalists P. Mr Shah and Mr Modi arhich had taken place a few meters from where our houseboat was moored.. Shobhaa De has been challenging status quo for four decades. Mr Shah has been labelled the “Invisible Prime Minister” by the Washington Post. What difference does it make? Article 370 is a done deal.Weary citizens have gone back to the tedium of their daily grind, and soon the shock and awe over Article 370 will also dissipate, along with Imran Khan’s tepid and timid mewing from across the border. Till then, the focus will have to be on providing reassurance to a scarred and wounded people.blogspot. At least naam ke vaastey, the Congress was pretending to play the role of the Opposition. For the past few years, Kashmir had been transformed in our collective imagination, from a shimmering, unattainable vision to an ugly war zone. We need to get tourism off the ground, as priority number one. Readers can send feedback to www. Kashmir remains a tourist magnet, despite the daunting odds...

Our hearts sank as we watched the same tranquil area erupt into a terrifying conflict zone with barbed wire blockades and armoured vehicles out on full force. Someone complained, “It’s a concentration camp. That in itself is ominous enough.comPublished: Aug 10, 2019, 12:05 am IST Updated: Aug 10, 2019, 12:05 am IST The most significant fallout of the Article 370 nullification has been an unlikely development within the Congress Party. Any jokes or a sharing of memes is being slammed by people who have become overnight spokespersons for Kashmiris. As soon as fresh jobs get created, local youngsters will regain enough confidence to get out of their homes, stop pelting stones, and ear timing, stealth and secrecy of the Shah-Modi masterstroke was indeed brilliant — scrapping Article 370 has succeeded in creating a huge rift within the Congress ranks. As the angry sea spewed tons of garbage back at us to register audio cable types its own protest against the ill-conceived coastal road, the myriad concerns of a changed political order in Jammu and Kashmir seemed like all of it was taking place in another reality, in a very distant world. It was an enviable lifestyle entirely subsidised by Indian taxpayers, all thanks to Article 370. For Bollywood fans, Kashmir was always the ultimate movie set, especially created for romantic song and dance routines. And that’s the truth. Both Union territories (Ladakh included) desperately need a blood transfusion in thNarendra Modi (yes, in that order) dropped a political bomb and jhat phat se did away with the contentious t when she punctures inflated egoes. The chances of more old-timers quitting are pretty high, thereby sending out a strong signal that it may be curtains for the Gandhis, finally. With torrential rains drowning so many parts of India, citizens are wondering how to stay afloat — literally! In Mumbai, citizens are debating whether they need to invest in speedboats to navigate flooded streets, that have brought life in this once modern metropolis to a halt. He had breezily told me his party was going to “sweep” the polls, and that was that. Till the stone-pelters dramatically changed the optics.Given the almost total ban on news/communications since the historic Article 370 nullification, we can only guess the ground reality with locals saying they are cut off from the rest of the world.shobhaade



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